We invest in building health care through clinical informatics and innovation. We encourage anyone with an interest in learning informatics to learn with us.
Our M4 elective is currently underway! This will be updated during the course. More modules will be added as the course proceeds. Please cross-reference the syllabus with this page for readings.
Getting Started
For M3s in HSMP
One-Session Overview of Clinical Informatics
For M4 Students in Clinical Informatics Rotation
Course information for participating students
Introduction to the Field
Defining Clinical Informatics and Core Content
Why We Study Clinical Informatics
or "why is health IT so hard?"
A very short introduction to computer science
Communication Theory
Understanding the Signal to Noise Ratio
Data types, structures, and databases, with a look toward their usage in healthcare
Semantics and Codes
Data types, structures, and databases, with a look toward their usage in healthcare
Electronic Health Records
Clinical Decision Support
How to make it easy to do the right thing
Patient Informatics
Open Notes
Shared Clinical Documentation
Telemedicine and Digital Health
Patient Portals
Providing Patients with a view of their data
Providing Care at a Distance